
Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

How does this happen? 

This, being my bedroom floor.

Every now and again I wake up, take a look around and think "how the fuck did my room get like this?" And the answer eludes me every single time. Having a clean room seems to be a battle for the ages that I'm constantly losing. If it were the lounge or bathroom that looked like this from my own doing I would clean it up straight away, but when it comes to my room I just let it slide and slide and slide some more.

When my room is this bad I am constantly trolling the floor for clothes, mainly socks and underwear - employing the ever-reliable 'sniff test' on any garment from the heap that lies at the end of my bed. This is a pretty embarrassing bad habit and to quote my mother a few years ago; "clutter in your room means clutter in your life." That shit made so much sense to me at the time I kept my room tidy for like a month... Then the laziness got the best of me once again.

Waking up to a clean room really does make me feel better in the morning. So interwebs, the great clean up begins! (Tomorrow.) And from that day forth I will be making a genuine effort to keep this badboy tidy!! 



  1. Finding my room clean also makes me feel better.

  2. Your room looks as messy as mine!

  3. And i thought i was the only one in this world with a room looking like that. +follow.
    Cool post

  4. I'm not sure how reliable the 'sniff test' really is. But if it works for you...



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